If you are tired or struggling with low energy, this affirmation can help you fall back into a natural alignment. In doing so, it can help to generate your energy.

Energy is not a personal thing, but how we process and respond to it is. If we are tired or struggling with dis-ease, we are fighting against a natural universal flow. There is plenty of energy out there, it is just a matter of whether we are open to receive it.

For some of us, energy must already be present in the universe that we can generate from in order to manifest. If we are properly aligned we are naturally in tune with that that energy and we automatically have a clear focus that builds our energy. If not, we can begin projects at the wrong time or we can just begin the wrong projects for us.

If you are struggling to manifest it may not be the focus that is wrong, but the timing. As you learn to drop into the natural flow of energy that is around you, your drivers will become more aligned with a deeper universal current. When we let ourselves be guided by this current, rather than our ideas about what we should be doing, our energy systems begin to naturally replenish.

This affirmation can help you release any blocks you may have to falling into your natural alignment, and in doing so, it can set you on a path to healing.

I focus my attention in a way that generates my energy.

This video explains the most effective way to use this affirmation and the perspective you can take to get the most out of it.

Watch the full video here:

If you are struggling with low energy and would like to explore your healing further, contact us to find out how a session with me can help.

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