How I Work

I offer three services:


Bio-Energy Healing


Akashic Record Healing


Medical Intuitive


These services are different ways of working. They have a different fee and service structure. Please see their relevant page for more information. All services are available online.


Bio-Energy Healing is a general focussed treatment that brings balance in a very gentle way. If you are in any doubt about which service to choose, this is what I recommend.


Akashic Records or Medical Intuitive have a more specific focus. You will be naturally drawn to these services if they will support you. A simple curiosity or desire to work in this way indicates they will be valuable for you.


A period of consistency with any of these services is most beneficial. They are intended for those who wish to work more deeply with themselves, and provide support and guidance to accelerate that process.


Relationship entanglements, issues with life direction, past trauma and ancestral histories can be cleared with this work. It can also help those who are interested in developing psychic and intuitive capacities. Any issue can be addressed.


Receiving clarity about the underlying energy patterns of what we experience helps us to choose more consciously. It helps us to direct our energy towards what serves us best. I give you a perspective from a trained eye that is experienced in working with the energy patterns that flow behind what we create.





Insights that occur during a session gently move you into a deeper level of clarity. There is always a balance between holding space for energy to clear, and sharing insight in any session.


The space that is created in a session helps you to receive what is meant for you to hear, intuit or see. This means that insights may come through me, or they may come through you. Often it can be simultaneous.


Insights are not shared to direct energy, they are shared simply to acknowledge what is present. From there, energy takes its own path.





Simply an openness to explore a new experience is enough to create space where the energy can flow.


There is no need to ‘believe’ in other worlds in order to benefit from the services I offer. The energy will run regardless.


Those who are open to exploring themselves through other dimensions and realities may be more conscious of the shifts they experience on this journey.





You know ‘truth’ when you hear it because it makes sense on all levels of the being; there is an experience of things ‘falling’ into place. This alters your perception and brings clarity to the soul about what it has created.


My work is circulated around acknowledging ‘truth’. ‘Truth’ is transient, and we capture its essence in the present moment. Simply coming back to what is present clears us from all manner of entanglements.


When the soul is clear, it can release what it no longer needs.


What is ‘true’ now, may not be ‘true’ tomorrow. ‘Truth’ is a moving, flowing, changing thing.


Acknowledging ‘truth’ brings balance and grounding to the being. Then it is gone and we are free.


Then we can remember who we are.





The soul carries stories that originate deep within its history. If they are traumatic, they are often shut out of consciousness. In these cases the subconscious replays them constantly in our lives.


They are simply pieces of our energy that have got lost in projection, and want to come home to us. They ask for reintegration by showing themselves repeatedly in our external world. This is how we enter repeating cycles.


We cannot see these stories as we are conditioned to overlook them, but they are present all the time. They are the ‘elephant’ in the room. When we are reminded of what they are, the soul becomes liberated. In their acknowledgement, the soul is reminded of what it is, and where it left itself.


The present ‘truth’ is where we find these stories, but often our experience of the present is so deeply buried that we forget how to access, value and respect what we find there. The answer is under our nose, but we are programmed to look beyond it.


The services I offer are designed to connect you with this ‘truth’, so that you can integrate these stories at a deeper level. I work with my insight to bring balance and integration to whatever may be lost.


The soul integrates pieces of itself when the resonant story is acknowledged. Initially this can feel like a ‘domino’ effect, or a ‘lightbulb’ moment, as we recognise the multiple places this pattern keeps manifesting in our lives.


Then the story completely dissipates as there is no longer a need for it to be expressed.


Peace is found, and a new cycle begins.