So often we can find ourselves creating a life from limiting programs that overrides the wisdom that our body holds. Sometimes what we think will bring us freedom can be the very thing that holds us captive and keeps us in a box.
Your body is an invaluable tool that can tell you the difference between what your ego mind wants, and what your soul really needs. Many have to go through serious illness before they begin to understand what their body is trying to communicate to them.
Illness and life blocks are the way that the body cries for attention. Once we learn to hear and wholeheartedly acknowledge the messages our body holds for us, we can truly begin to heal.
This takes patience, and also the release of cultural conditioning. In an action orientated culture we are not taught how to set aside time to really connect with the wisdom of the body. Just by taking five minutes a day to talk to any areas of pain you have in your body and asking them what the are really trying to tell you, can bring you a deeper insight into your situation.
The answers you receive may not always be what you expect. Physical pain is so often a symptom of a deeper issue held elsewhere in the body, which means it is good to keep an open mind if you work in this way.
Pain can also be deep rooted into your past. Fragments of memories from your genetic lineage or past life experiences can be carried forward and crystalize within your body. This means that you can still be subconsciously manifesting these patterns today.
In order to free ourselves from these ancient programs we must accept our responsibility for carrying them. Then by acknowledging them, we can begin to unravel the burdens that they have placed on our soul.
In a Medical Intuitive session with me we explore the programs that have created your situation and how their energetic dynamic is being held within your body. I read the information to you as it is delivered to me, then we take steps to release whatever might be holding you back at a pace that is right for you.
My focus is always to support you in gaining greater clarity on how your situation has been created, and to free you from any belief systems that may be holding you back. I bring my experience from various disciplines to facilitate a space for you to shift in the most positive way.
Learning to interpret the signals of your body brings many benefits. If you are keen to develop your skills for working for yourself in this way, I can also support you in this. The best gift you can give your body is learning to listen to what it has to say.
If you would if you would like to book a Medical Intuitive Session with me, or find out more about how it could help you please contact us.
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