The stomach prepares nourishment for the body from what we take in. It transforms everything that we feed ourselves into a palatable, unified mass for the body. This means other organs and aspects of the being can sort through and assimilate it. This applies to food, and also to what we take in on an experiential level. The Stomach uses all of these ingredients to prepare a dish that can be understood by the body and our energy system.
The stomach plays a huge role in our ability to feel appropriately nurtured and therefore grounded in life. The relationship to the mother is often useful to address when we have stomach issues as it determines how we have learned to nourish ourselves. When the relationship with the mother has been strained, or there has been an experience of neglect and malnourishment in early life, it can contribute to an off-balance stomach energy.
It is a relatively easy job for the stomach to break down what we feed it when we take in what is aligned with us, and in the right quantity. When the stomach functions well we feel nourished, safe and self empowered. We have an ability to transform whatever we take in, into fuel for our system.
When we feed the stomach information unaligned information, or feed it too much, its energy begins to struggle. We create overwhelm in the system when we overload it with what it cannot digest. Cutting down our input, taking time out to integrate and being more selective can help the stomach energy get back on track.
With an imbalanced stomach energy we can experience ourselves as a victim in life as we do not get the nourishment that we need. There is because there is a backlog of energy that cannot be used by the body. Often we feel helpless to change this situation as we experience malnourishment, fear, need and desperation.
This can result in an excessive need for sympathy, or conversely a complete rejection of sympathy. Isolation and confusion can also arise as we become cut off from what we need to survive. It becomes difficult for us to understand, assimilate and remember information because we do not have space for anything more. The information just goes over our heads.
The condition of the stomach tends to be reflected in the Crown Chakra. This is where we receive information from source. Too much energy coming into our system, or energy coming in that is indigestible will cause this chakra to swell. When the Stomach is being fed unaligned information, the crown chakra can also appear depleted. This is because have lost our connection to our true source.
The stomach sits in the Solar Plexus Chakra, so it also has a strong influence on our sense of personal power. It makes us feel empowered and safe when we can nourish ourselves and meet our own needs. The Solar Plexus chakra brings the self esteem to choose what is right for us, as well as the self consciousness to know exactly what that is. The Sacral chakra also impacts on our ability choose what’s right for us and therefore is also relevant here. If this centre is free from guilt, it is easier to freely give ourselves permission to choose the input that works for us.
To balance stomach energy, we must be mindful about what we are taking in for mind, body and spirit. By taking responsibility for what we put into our systems we can hold our stomach energy in the best place. Therefore it’s worthwhile taking note of what we are turning our attention towards.
When I’m working on stomach energy, I tend to clear the programming that interferes with setting healthy boundaries. I help people to raise their consciousness about what they are taking in that is not serving them. This means they are in a place of power to make a change. When we understand our limitations we are free to create an experience that is liberating. This is because we only nourish ourselves with material that we can assimilate. This becomes an empowering experience as we observe ourselves becoming self-sufficient.
The stomach is really a facilitator for what we take in on all levels. It also reflects how well we can hold our own space. Sometimes we have to wait before we can break down and assimilate what we have created for ourselves. With a balanced Stomach energy, we give ourselves this time freely.
Taking in only what is essential for us and omitting the rest will help the stomach energy to function better. If we feed ourselves unaligned material we cut ourselves off from the fuel we need to survive. Choosing only what is right for us is essential to developing a healthy sense of security in the world.
If you would like to explore your relationship to stomach energy further, contact us to book a Medical Intuitive/ Akashic Healing Session.
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