The spleen’s main function is to create movement within the body. It distributes blood and fluids throughout the body, making it a key transporter of nourishment. It gives us the emotional experience of feeling nourished, safe and grounded. Our experience of the mother and the level of nourishment we received as an infant has a strong influence on how our spleen functions in the present.
With an imbalanced spleen energy we become anxious and over focussed on certain things. We begin to overanalyze and pull everything apart with the mind, which keeps us stuck in a cycle of fear and worry. It creates an incredible intensity about us and we may find it incredibly difficult to let go. We constantly anticipate the ‘bad things’ that could happen.
Feeling stuck in life, experiencing anxiety, obsessions, overthinking and being unable to let go and accept our situation are all red flags that the spleen energy is out of balance. Experiencing any form of restriction on a psychological, or a physical level in the form of paralysis, also indicates that the spleen energy needs balancing.
It takes time and gentleness to work through this. We need an even distribution of nourishment throughout the body in order to feel grounded. With an imbalanced spleen we are not nourished throughout all aspects of our being. Fear arises due to this and as a result we try to escape further into the mind. In doing so we only exacerbate the cycle, as we nourish an even smaller aspect of our being.
We can develop a serious lack of empathy for the self and for others in severe spleen issues. This can lead to narcissistic tendencies, obsessions and some forms of insanity.
With spleen issues there is an intense fear of losing control. This is just the ego’s anxiety of letting go. The ego fears it will die – and it will, as it does every time we surrender and let go. What the ego can’t trust is that it will reform anew. It cannot recognise that it is only a tiny aspect of who we are.
When we let our ego die, we give ourselves an opportunity to grow. When we hold onto the ego for too long, the body cannot function as it was designed to. As a result we begin to feel numb, we freeze up and our system begins to malfunction.
The spleen’s experience is linked into our sense of personal power. It is located in the Solar Plexus chakra area, which is our control centre. When we have a weak sense of personal power it’s very difficult to open up to the bigger picture. It’s challenging to trust that there are larger forces at play in our body, and in our the universe, that carry us along. Letting go into Thy will vs my will creates a space for Spleen energy to function more effectively in the body.
When we become stuck in the mind the spleen is only distributing energy to a fragment of who we are. This means that the Solar Plexus chakra is blocked. The Brow Chakra overloads as we fixate in the mind, as too much energy travels upwards in the body. We loose our connection in the Sacral Chakra as we cannot let go into our body. Of course, this impacts our ability to ground through our Root Chakra.
When the spleen distributes nourishment evenly about the body, we let go in the Sacral chakra and ground more effectively in the body. We become more connected to a wider universal flow. The Brow Chakra (the mind) is free to flow clearly as the whole of our being is nourished. We feel safe in the body, therefore we are able to ground and sit comfortably in our Root Chakra.
To balance the spleen, practically shifting focus on to something completely different can help. This however can often be the hardest thing to do. Gently moving the body can also help to bring in a perspective shift. This means energy can ground and distribute itself in a more effective way.
Individuals with an imbalance in the spleen tend to suffer from some form of PTSD. This trauma can originate from an experience from this life or another. It is always an experience where they desperately feared for their own survival and safety from which the trauma is still replaying in the present. Clearing on this trauma first may help the individual feel more free to make some movement and let go in the present.
Clearing on programs and belief systems inherited from the mother, and/or the mothering experience can also help the spleen energy. Becoming free from any limiting programs in this area will free the spleen to nourish the body more effectively.
If you would like to explore your relationship to Spleen energy further, contact us to book a Medical Intuitive/ Akashic Healing Session.
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