The nervous system wires us up so that all the different aspects of ourselves can communicate with each other. It governs our ability to connect, understand and orientate ourselves within our environment.
It enables us to put the pieces of ourselves together into a unified whole so that we understand their purpose. In this way, we can perceive, interpret and integrate our experiences.
The nervous system adds a colour to how we interpret our experiences depending on the memories stored within it. We experience ourselves through the lens of these memories until they are acknowledged and given space to clear.
Memories held within the nervous system can come from this life, past lives, collective experiences, the genetics and the DNA. When we remember these lost aspects of ourselves, we ground at a deeper level and retrieve pieces of our soul.
These memories are pieces of us that are frozen in some other space-time dimension. In order to be whole, healed and complete, all aspects of us need to return to the present. We do this by acknowledging them in non-judgement. This enables our energy system to transform them into something more supportive for us in the present. Many of our experiences will be misinterpreted until that point.
All the work I offer is deeply relevant to the nervous system. I hold a space for the nervous system to reprogram in sessions, so we can experience the world in a new way. This provides a new lens to experience life through, and it can affect the physiology of the body.
The quality of the communication within our nervous system tends to be mirrored in our communication with others in the outside world. When the nervous system is healthy, our communication is strong. It supports us to make connections on the inside, and in our external world.
When the Nervous System is out of balance its messages within the body can fire too fast. As a result our communication can become erratic and difficult to organise. We may flit between random topics, leaving others confused. We also communicate a lot without ever really managing to feel like we make a true connection.
Alternatively, its messages in the body may not fire at all. We may not respond when it is appropriate because there are gaps in our consciousness where neurons fail to connect. We lack the empathic ability to consider another’s experience. As a result we feel disconnected from life, others and from ourselves.
To have quality communication with others, we must be connected within. Then we can create conscious, empathic and meaningful connections with others.
The Nervous System is the body’s electrical signaling and like any electrical circuit, it needs to be grounded in order to work well. When the Nervous System is ungrounded, our experiences just continue to circulate in pieces that we can’t quite pull together.
In moments of trauma, information flows into the body at an excessive rate. These experiences become memories that get stuck in the Nervous System as it fails to break them down. As a result, it trips itself up and we feel anxious and overwhelmed.
The Nervous System is a switchboard that interprets data coming in from our environment and it expands as we evolve. It brings light and consciousness into the body. If it expands too fast it can shatter if there is not sufficient grounding within the body.
In order to hold more light, the body needs stronger foundations. This is made possible when we are not fighting to change our situation. When we let go and attend to our basic needs, we feel calm and grounded in ourselves.
Often we are unaware of the trauma we carry, instead it tends to sit just underneath our consciousness, controlling our experience until we can bring it out into the light. When we see it in the light without judgment, it has space to transform into something that ultimately nourishes us. Until that point, our energy is fragmented as an aspect of ourselves is stuck in memory.
Issues with the nervous system tend to be connected with experiences of abandonment and neglect at an early age. These experiences interfere with our ability to make connections with the world, and with ourselves, in a nourishing way.
We sweep huge aspects of ourselves under the carpet as they have not been acknowledged. This leaves us unable to make sense of our experiences and holistic connections with others can’t be made.
Acknowledging trauma, then holding a space for it to clear enables our energy system to integrate and release. Another perspective from a trained eye, can enable us to access places in consciousness that we would not normally see or acknowledge.
The energy behind trauma is neutral, it is our perception of the experience that influences how it affects us in the present. When we transform our perception by removing judgment, we can receive the energy behind the trauma and it becomes something new.
In order to transform trauma we have to digest it. I mean literally ‘eat’ it. Then the body works out what to do with it. In this process we claim our energy back as our projections are integrated. This happens as we ground and let go.
It is not the trauma that disturbs us, it is our response to it that leaves us unsettled. When this is neutralised we accept our experience and move on. This is done through reprogramming our Nervous System.
When we clear our response to trauma, the energy behind the experience is released and can nourish us in a new way. This means we reclaim a piece of ourselves that is stuck in another time space dimension. This is what I hold a space for in sessions.
Cutting out stimulants, taking our time, slowing down, and making sure our basic needs are met helps the Nervous System do the best job it can. This grounds the Nervous System and helps it to integrate information at a deeper level.
When we create the space for our parasympathetic Nervous System to kick in, the body can begin to heal itself. As a result we feel calm, consolidated and generally in sync with life as we are able to integrate all aspects of our experience.
The Solar Plexus chakra is particularly relevant for the Nervous System. It is a giant nerve plexus in the body. Exploring Solar Plexus Chakra themes such as self confidence, self worth, control and clarity can support the Nervous System to find a healthy balance.
Clearing on programmes of fear, abandonment, and anything that is interfering with the ability to connect will support the Nervous System. It’s also important to become conscious of the aspects of ourselves we have repressed or forgotten.
When we reach a point of total integration and understanding through all levels of our being, our experience becomes grounded. Then we can open to something new.
If you would like to explore your relationship to the Nervous System further, contact us to book a Medical Intuitive Session.
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