I saw a post on Instagram claiming that the idea that ‘you are God’ in ‘New Age’ circles was misleading and false, and that God can only be accessed through Jesus Christ.
I decided to post my response to this on my own space, since in some ways it differed rather drastically.
As a side note, I am not religious, or particularly ‘new age’ orientated. I work with the mechanics of the energy field which is very, well, mechanical in how I perceive it (but more on that for another blog…).
I simply acknowledge the concepts of ‘God’ and ‘Christ’ as energy patterns that have an impact and an effect, in the same way as any other concept.
We receive God within ourselves through taking the journey of consciousness that Christ represents in the crucifixion. This is the process of unifying of 2 opposing forces within.
Reaching a point of neutrality between two opposing forces means they can no longer exist, and a new energy is created that bursts us forward into a new dimension.
The unification of opposites as demonstrated in the Christ consciousness, is how we move beyond an experience of ego and polarity. It enables us to take quantum leaps, and move from one state of consciousness to the next.
The result is the rainbow that is born from shadow, and cannot exist without the light and the dark. It is the ultimate resolution, before we create our next journey.
The idea that ‘You are God’ is not a ‘spiritual’ concept to me. It is a basic perspective that enables the mechanism of the energy field to function successfully, therefore it sustains our highest health on all levels of the being.
Taking full responsibility for whatever rests in our consciousness, enables us to unify the polarities we create. It is how we access our deepest level of receptivity, and remember ourselves as whole. It enables us to return home.
To do this, we must embrace ourselves as ‘ALL’ for transformation and evolution to even become possible. If we cannot accept ourselves as total creator of our own reality, we give away our power. As a result the energy field becomes unable to reclaim its projections.
Recognising God is within sets us free to integrate our projections. It puts us in the ultimate state of responsibility, and therefore receptivity. Only from this perspective can our energy field can function to its highest capacity.
There is nothing ‘out there’ that is bigger than what we are. Whatever is present in our consciousness is only a tiny fragment of our much vaster being. We created it, therefore we must digest it if we want to transform it into something new.
Only if we lose this perspective by over identifying with what we see, in terms of the individual aspects of our experience, do we loose a sense of who we truly are.
If we cannot acknowledge ourselves as creator, the energy field becomes stuck in a state of fragmentation. As a result we become lost, and forget who we are. In the acceptance that we create everything we encounter, we accept ourselves as Creator of All That Is.
This is not about control, or having power. It is about understanding how to let go, and accept what we have created. Paradoxically, the deeper we let go of any need to control, the more power we attain because we receive at much deeper level. We open to the energy of the universe to flow through us as we are no longer in resistance.
Then, through a process of forgiveness, we reach the neutral transformative energy of the heart, break out of karmic cycles and choose our next path.
If you are interested in exploring this further, and how it relates to your situation contact us to book a session today.
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