The bones are part of our support system. They give us structure and help us to balance. Our sense of feeling safe and supported in life is largely connected to the condition of our bones.
We fall back on the bones when we become depleted. They are a reservoir of salts and minerals that break down when the body requires nourishment. This means they give themselves up so we may survive.
If the bones are weak there is often an element of self sacrifice in our programming. We can be too quick to give our power away to others, or to an idea or belief system and we can suffer physically because of this.
As the bones are also linked to our primordial beginnings, any imbalances they carry can also lead us to question our fundamental existence. This is in terms of our basic right to be manifest in a physical body.
The condition of the bones reflects our ability to nourish and support ourselves at the deepest level. A personal template for this tends to come from the experience of being mothered. If there are issues with this relationship, they may be expressed in the bones as we have not learned to properly support and care for ourselves.
The bone marrow creates red blood cells which transport essential nutrients around the body. It also relates to the Kidney energy flow, which connects us to our primordial beginnings. This means the programmes held in the bone marrow tend to relate to our experience of the youngest stage of infancy. This is when we were at our most vulnerable and were unable to communicate our needs beyond crying.
Experiences of neglect, abandonment and abuse at this stage affect our perceptions of who we are at the deepest level. Clearing programming in the bone marrow is an incredibly deep thing to do. In instances when it has been appropriate, I have seen it bring about very deep transformation.
When I see the bones as powdery and crumbling, it indicates to me that the person I am working with is deeply malnourished and requires nutritional support. The disintegration of our essential structures means that we feel powerless in life and have nothing to fall back on. It can take time to rebuild this when it has settled deep into our physical expression.
I’ve also been shown clients lying in a puddle of muscle on the floor when they feel completely unable to support themselves in life due to entanglements in their programming. Within a couple of sessions of deep clearing they often pick up very quickly. Soon they are able to stand as they clear out of the drama they have been caught in.
When we ‘feel things in our bones’, we have an innate knowing that goes beyond what we can understand with the rational mind. The bones communicate their wisdom in primal urges which guide us to where we need to be for our own survival. They are instinctual and primordial. They guide us in how we need to support ourselves, and how to set boundaries so that we feel supported in life.
When the bones are weak we do not feel present, and may lack energy. The haemoglobin present in red blood cells delivers oxygen around the body. If we do not produce enough red blood cells, or if the health of the cells is not sufficient we do not get the nourishment we need.
Taking in appropriate nourishment from the food we eat will build our bone reserves and make us feel more supported. Setting better boundaries and meeting our basic needs will also help the bones build their resources. Energetically clearing on any infant trauma will free the bones to perform their role better.
Root chakra themes such as healthy boundaries, genetics, basic foundations, security, and physical nourishment apply to the bones.
If you would like to explore your relationship to your basic support system further, contact us to book a Medical Intuitive Session.
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