The stories of the soul are powerful keys to our healing process. This is how, and why Akashic Healing can be so effective. It brings the stories of the soul into the light of day for healing and integration. Lost soul fragments are simply projections that we have been unable to receive and integrate back into our energy body.
A lost soul fragment can lead us to feel isolated, incomplete and alone. The same cycles in life repeat, which can result in confusion, and a lack of understanding of how we attract what we do. We may not even be conscious of this as it tends to become our normality. There is simply a sense of unease and emptiness.
The soul reclaims its fragments when it hears the resonant story. This story reminds the soul where, and how it lost itself. Acknowledging this means the soul can heal itself at a very deep level. The soul reclaims what it has left behind when we shine the light of consciousness on these points in our timeline. Then we can remember and reclaim what’s been lost.
Lost soul fragments are pieces of our energy that ask to come home. They are fragments we have resisted, and have therefore been unable to ground and integrate. They can also be gifts and talents that we have forgotten and suppressed. To reclaim soul fragments first, we just have to see they are there.
These fragments express themselves in our energy fields as stories. In Akashic Healing, a trained eye can see these stories and acknowledge them so they can ground. We don’t have to do anything with these stories, other than hold a space for them. If we simply do this, the story will do its own work, as it has an energy pattern and an impact of its own. The energy pattern of the resonant story unlocks the souls capacity to reclaim what has been lost. Acknowledging it enables the soul to integrate back into source.
This soul gains clarity about how it has created it’s experience through this process. As this happens, a domino effect begins as pennies start to drop in consciousness. The soul grounds, consolidates clears and lets go. This is (exactly) like Tetris.
Touching the tip of the iceberg starts starts a series of connections throughout the being. When this happens, it’s a really beautiful process. A cascade of connections are made as integration occurs, which brings clarity, relief and consolidation.
In Akashic Healing, whether past lives happened or not, is irrelevant. It’s actually the energy pattern in the story that brings in that healing capacity. The stories in themselves are not really that important, it’s the energy behind the stories that unlocks the resonance within you that helps your soul to consolidate.
The stories of the soul illustrate themselves in different ways, and they carry themselves through our timeline in different scenarios. There is often a repetition of the same energy pattern throughout different experiences in the timeline. Therefore, these stories integrate themselves from different points, and different perspectives.
The energy pattern of the story transfers throughout our timeline, and it expresses itself in various ways in our present experience until it is fully received. Sometimes this is literal, and at other times this happens on different levels of the being.
Trauma can recreate itself on different levels of the being to integrate more thoroughly. It can be physical in one lifetime and psychological in the next, and the energy pattern expressed in both experiences will be the same. The experience filters through the layers of the being as it works towards integrating itself back into the whole.
We receive and integrate ourselves at a deeper level through this process. It is what sets us free. Akashic Healing can accelerate this process. It helps to bring clarity, freedom, grounding and integration to the soul.
Contact us to start your journey in Akashic Healing today.
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