Often when there is stress and pain, we are allowing ourselves to be run by subconscious programmes that are not relevant to who we are now. In this situation it is common to project our limitations onto the external world, as we create a life that doesn’t resonate with who we truly are.
But if we choose to go within and look at the drivers behind our behaviour, we have an incredible ability to take back any power we may have lost through blame. This helps us to reclaim those aspects of ourselves that have been buried so we can experience more of our completeness.
To help us discover what is motivating us to act, we can ask questions such as:
What am I making my self-worth dependent on?
What have I prioritized over my own peace of mind?
What do I desire?
When we believe that something external to us will bring us peace, or make us better than what we already are, it shows us that we have an internal imbalance. We are already perfect just as we are, but if we believe otherwise, it shuts us off to miracles that are truly meant for us as we become unable to recieve. To remedy this we can ask:
How do I need to do to nurture myself?
Often the answers to this question are very simple, such as going for a walk in nature, pursuing a creative project, lying down for a while, or being more practical about setting healthier boundaries between ourselves and others and so on.
Ultimately it is through self-nurturing that we have the capacity to bring ourselves back into balance. When we become more fulfilled in ‘the now’, we become less attached to the idea that something external will bring us peace.
Past conditioning is what drives us to seek outside of ourselves for solutions, but the real answers always lie within – we just have to be in a space where we are able to receive them, and that space is always in the present moment.
When we are willing to learn about what truly nourishes us and commit to serving ourselves in this manner we become free. The more we exist fully in the present moment, the less burdened we become with past conditioning.
Watch the full video to find out how you can begin to break free of old stories and manifest yourself anew.
If you would like to learn how to free yourself from past conditioning further, contact us to find out how a session with me can help.
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