![woman with feet in grass picking flowers](https://biotherapyglasgow.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/womanwithflowers.jpg)
Grounding occurs when we enter a space of consolidation; this is where the soul reclaims its projections. In the first instance, it may not feel as we might expect. It’s easy for us to confuse what we perceive to be feeling ‘good’ with feeling ‘grounded’.
I’ve worked in the energy field for over 20 years and the first thing people often feel when they start to ground is exhaustion and heaviness. This is because they have normalised living in an adrenaline rush for so long. When they ground and finally get in touch with what the body is really feeling, they crash because it’s what the body needs to replenish itself.
Clients can also go through an emotional journey as they purge what has been avoided. After a while they pick up as they learn to lay new foundations for whatever it is their body requires. Then they become immediately energised in treatment as the body is already supported. It’s fascinating when we suddenly become conscious of how much tension we have been holding on to.
Normalising a space that does not support our energy field for a long time means that we may perceive feeling ‘good’ and ‘grounded’ as being elated, overexcited, ultra happy for example. These are not always ‘bad’ places to be, but they are not necessarily ‘balanced’ places to be.
When we are balanced everything is experienced from a very neutral perspective and we become very open. This is a freeing experience for the energy field and enables it to ground our experiences most effectively. We receive an experience of fulfilment, the mind is still and thoughts don’t push us in various different directions. This is a very receptive space where we feel quite consolidated.
With feelings of ‘elation’ we actually begin to lift up off the ground. We get overwhelmed with energy that is going on in the mind, rather than actually keeping our feet on the floor. Aiming for an experience of elation or hyper positivity as our grounding, means we are always going to be lost. Flitting between things makes it difficult to manifest, and hyper focussing means that we crash at regular intervals because we are unable to pace ourselves appropriately.
Grounding is where we are deeply connected into our parasympathetic nervous system. It is when we are very, very calm and everything is integrating at quite a visceral level. If our perception of grounding is distorted, we actively stay in a state that is not supportive to our energy flow.
At the same time we reject a true experience of grounding. We don’t have the patience for it because it moves too slow. It can also be an uncomfortable place that makes us face whatever we have not processed of avoided.
The energy field functions most successfully when we are in a neutral heart space. This is where we let go and stop pushing. In this space our energy field will work for us automatically and we don’t have to control a thing. This is the most powerful place to be for manifestation and cleansing. All our bodies systems work more effectively as we are not trying to control ourselves in a restrictive way.
It can be easy to forget what this feels like as we develop coping mechanisms in every day life. Our perception of what it feels to be ‘good’, ‘grounded’ or ‘healthy’ can become so distorted that we normalise states that don’t allow our energy field to function efficiently. We forget what it feels like to be free.
So much of our capacity to allow ourselves ground depends on our self worth. If we feel worthy enough to receive, if we feel enough just as we are we can stop and allow ourselves to ground. If we don’t feel worthy we will always avoid grounding into who we truly are in the present.
We will always feel that we have to do more, be more or say more and so on. This spurs us into overactivity and leads us into burnout. The egos fear of what might or might not happen if we stop our racing around, drives us further into frenzy. In order to ground, we simply have to set boundaries with what our mind is telling us and face whatever experience and insecurities that this brings up for us. This can be like breaking an addiction.
If we can create appropriate boundaries with our levels of activity, our soul can freely reclaim its projections. We receive support from a wider universal flow, simply because we are open to receive. Remembering what it feels like to be grounded, separate from all the ideas that we have created in our mind about what it should feel like, or where we ‘should’ be, frees us to open to ‘what is’. It helps us to process and integrate whatever we have created for ourselves.
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