As a mother and a small business owner, there was as time in my life that I thought planning ahead would free me. I thought running everything on auto pilot would let me live my life. As it turned out, I got very good at planning ahead but burnt out in both areas of life waiting for my autopilots to manifest.
I would be caught between trying to execute a plan I made weeks ago and manifesting what really needed to manifest in the moment. If I wasn’t planning, I was waiting anxiously for my autopilots to manifest in the knowing that they were not quite right for the time.
In time I realized that my drive to plan ahead stemmed from a lack of trust in my ability to deliver in the present, an underlying belief that I was not enough and a desire to escape myself in the moment by constantly thinking about the future.
It took some time to break free of this pattern, but when I learned to stay more focussed in the present I attracted more help and solutions appeared quicker. In fact, I found that many things began to magically resolve themselves when I let go of the need to control them. Either someone else would sort them out or, in time, they just became less important and other things took priority.
I didn’t trust that I had enough energy, but I lost far more of myself trying to be resourceful with time and energy, than I did when I let go of trying to control the future and completely surrendered into my role in the present.
I learned that when we plan for the future, we assume we will be the same as we are now, but we are never the same as we change and transform with every action we take. This means that we become ready to grow in ways we would could never anticipate. When we try to control our path of growth into the future we drastically limit what we could become.
We don’t need big visions or goals in order to manifest our truth – in fact, they can often work against us. By staying open and attentive to our needs in the present as we take things step by step keeps us in touch with who we truly are. When we are manifesting authentically, every action we take feeds us and flows into the world with grace and ease. It is a beautiful thing.
Learning to be present requires trusting in ourselves and what we have to offer in the ‘now’, and if we choose to trust, the present moment will always deliver far more than we expect. It is the only place that miracles can occur, but we have to be in it in order to fully receive them.
If you are struggling with overwhelm, let go of the plan and live for now. Give yourself that space to grow – because we never know who we are going to become.
If this article has helped you, or if you know who it could help please share, and if you would like to learn how to free yourself from stress further, contact us to find out how a session with me can help.
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