The gallbladder gives us the impulse to act, decide and judge. It enables us to put the plans that we make with the liver into action. The bile that the Gallbladder stores and releases is a pure production from the body. This means the gallbladder only deals with what we create. It judges the right time to release this bile into our digestive system, and in the right amount.
With a balanced gallbladder we are coordinated, organized and we can get to the right place at the right time. Being able to execute plans affirms our sense of self worth. It makes it possible for us to see what we have envisioned in the physical world. Therefore we are confident in making decisions, and in whatever we create.
We lack confidence in our own ability to make good judgements for ourselves when gallbladder energy is out of balance. It can be difficult to make decisions, there can be an inability to act and we can generally feel confused in life. Life becomes uncoordinated and chaotic, we procrastinate, it can be impossible to make commitments and we end up flitting between paths. What we envision in the world cannot manifest in the world, and we lose our confidence in our ability to create good things. This affects our self esteem in a big way.
Our inability to act means that we become stuck in a state of limbo and indecision. As a result of this, panic can arise. We may be able to see the way forward but we can’t act to manifest it, therefore there’s nothing within us to help us to take our creative drive forward. In order to remedy this, we need to build our confidence in what we can create. Clearing programmes that could be interfering with our ability to confidently express who we are in the world can also help.
At the other end of the scale, with an imbalanced Gallbladder we can become overly judgemental and controlling. As a result of this, we can begin to make decisions on behalf of others, and become very inflexible in the mind and body. We may have a need for things to be done in a very rigid, fixed way. Here, we need to learn how to trust more, release our insecurities and let go of control.
The gallbladder sits in the Solar Plexus Chakra under the liver. It is our ability to decide, judge and act, our confidence and self esteem. These are all Solar Plexus Chakra themes. We act from the Solar Plexus and in doing so we define who we are. Action raises our self awareness as we can see what we have created in the external world. Then we can decide if our vision is aligned with us and change it accordingly. Action brings in clarity and helps us to learn and evolve.
Taking the right action for us will ground us in our Root Chakra, as it helps us to clarify who we are. The Sacral Chakra supports healthy action as it connects us to a larger universal flow. The Throat Chakra enables our action to be aligned and authentic so we release a true expression of who we are. The Heart Chakra gives us the right direction to go in, the Brow Chakra holds the vision of what we want to create and the Crown Chakra is where we receive the vision from source.
To balance gallbladder energy, it can be helpful to clear expectations. If we expect too much of ourselves we will freeze up and be unable to act. It’s important to understand that we can’t really make a wrong choice. We can only choose what’s right for us.
This is neither right or wrong, it is simply a learning path that we experience. It doesn’t really matter what we choose, as long as we do choose, so that we focus our energy and attention in a specific way. The lesson will always be the same no matter what avenue we go down.
I tend to look to other organs in the system to support the Gallbladder as it only deals with what the bile body creates. If the Liver cannot create a clear plan, the Gallbladder cannot action it therefore the relationship between the two is very important. The quality of the bile affects how the Gallbladder responds to it.
Choosing for ourselves defines the being. It brings in the lessons that we need to learn, therefore it is a cleansing process in itself. If we can’t choose we can’t let go. The gallbladder gives us the ability act clearly and decisively. As a result we can ground in a more effective way.
To support Gallbladder energy, it can help to review what you have created that you are proud of in life. This can help you to build the confidence to go out and manifest more.
If you would like to explore your relationship to gallbladder energy, or the ability to take action further, contact us to book a Medical Intuitive Session.
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